Find our manufacturing and administrative locations across the United States, Canada and South America.
Administrative Offices
- Buenos Aires, Argentina (Sales)
- Bogota, Colombia (Sales)
- Lima, Peru (Sales)
- Nashville, TN (Headquarters)
- São Paulo, Brazil (LP South America Headquarters)
- Santiago, Chile (Sales)
- Dawson Creek, BC
- Green Bay, WI
- Hayward, WI
- Newberry, MI
- Roaring River, NC
- St. Louis, MO
- Swan Valley, MB
- Tomahawk, WI
- Two Harbors, MN
Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
- Carthage, TX
- Clarke County, AL
- Hanceville, AL
- Houlton, ME
- Jasper, TX
- Maniwaki, QC
- Panguipulli, Chile
- Peace Valley, BC
- Ponta Grossa, Brazil
- Roxboro, NC
- Sagola, MI
- Watkins, MN
Engineered Wood Products (EWP)
- Golden, BC
- Houlton, ME
- Lautaro, Chile
- Red Bluff, CA
- Wilmington, NC
EWP Joint Ventures
- Larouche, QC
- Prime, QC